What We Offer

Data Analytics Consultancy

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About CSA

Our Mission

To achieve advancement in learning by providing quality training through highly qualified, trained and experienced trainers coupled with the latest technological innovations...

About CSA

Welcome to the world of opportunities “Code school of Analytics” institute is a platform for the beginners to start their career. We focus on job oriented practical courses in information technology......

Our Featured Training’s


Data Warehousing incorporates data stores and conceptual, logical, and physical models to support business goals and end-user information needs.

Word Press

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP paired with MYSQL. The fastest way to build website.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is an application of  AI that provides systems the ability to automatically learn from experience without being explicitly programmed.

UI/UX Designing

UI/UX Specialization brings a design centric approach to user interface and user experience design to make the usability better.

Game Development

Game Development is the art of creation and designing games. It may involve concept generation, game mechanism design, build, test and release.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, and phone etc..

Alhamdulillah Our Level of Quality

Certified Students
Positive feedback
Students Selected for Job
Satisfied Clients

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