Data Management & Analytics Services


Use data management & analytics and data science to discover new insights and define strategies for business growth.

Code Maze helps organizations build their data management and analytics strategy to keep them ahead of their competition.

We enable organizations on:

Data Analytics Expertise :

Data Lifecycle Management

Suggest data strategy to modernize data platforms
Develop architectures that meet current and future needs of data workloads
Leverage best data tool sets to improve business processes while remaining

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Build AI & ML models to solve complex industry problems
Deep learning and visual intelligence solutions
NLP-based solutions for document indexing and identification

Predictive Models

Customer segmentation
Demand forecasting and inventory optimization
Customer lifetime value (CLV) and predictive
promotion planning
Customer churn analysis

Engagement Models

Strategy Development

Develop digital roadmaps and scalable, future-proof architecture to address your needs for years to come

Project Engagement

Implement a wide array of analytics solutions that deliver a competitive edge across industries

Service Delivery

Our delivery model is optimized for development, maintenance, and implementation of BI/AI projects

Tools & Technologies

Integration tools


[vc_testimonial style=”theme7″ rating=”5_stars” nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”8153″ width=”100″ name=”samee ullah Roman” prof=”BI Consultant”]
I visit and found CodeMaze as :
Mission driven company.
[vc_testimonial style=”theme7″ rating=”5_stars” nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”8154″ alt=”Lorem espem” width=”100″ name=”Waleed Raza” prof=”UX Designer”]
Excellent Company
[vc_testimonial style=”theme7″ rating=”4_stars” nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”8155″ alt=”Lorem espem” width=”100″ name=”Muhammad Adil” prof=”Student”]
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