

Moving to the cloud introduces new security and compliance risks, but Code Maze  enables tremendous new defensive strategies. Cloud-delivered network security adds flexibility and boosts performance, while protecting users with consistent threat prevention and data compliance policies

Your information is your most important business asset. Your organization needs to invest in ensuring its security, integrity, and confidentiality to mitigate risk.

Businesses and public-sector organizations around the world trust Code Maze to ensure that their sensitive business information remains secure and your internal and customer-facing digital services continue to function disruption-free. We apply the latest data privacy and InfoSec standards to prevent unauthorized access, suspicious activity, service outages, and data loss.

Your Data and Apps are moving to the cloud – So can your security

Code Maze conveys an expansive arrangement of cutting edge capacities—including a protected web door (SWG), programming characterized border, hostile to infection checking, sandboxing, web separation, information misfortune counteraction (DLP), and email security. As your clients straightforwardly access the web, you can expand reliable approaches that follow your delicate information any place it goes.

dpoint Protection (SEP) and Symantec Endpoint Protection Mobile (SEP Mobile) can be added for complete PC and cell phone assurance.

Security operations center (SOC)

Our managed security operations center (SOC) service provides 24x7x365 proactive security monitoring, threat intelligence, vulnerability management, forensic analysis, and incident response. Our managed SOC service is a cost-effective way for organizations to gain all the benefits of an SOC without the associated outlay and overhead.

Security solution implementation

As an IBM Platinum Business Partner, Code Maze can help you deploy and configure powerful IBM security solutions, including IBM Guardium and IBM QRadar. Our experts quickly assess your unique business needs and rapidly deploy the right mix of security solutions.

Intrusion detection

Code Maze identifies weak points in your infrastructure so they can be hardened against attacks. Our experienced and industry-certified testers excel at testing network infrastructure, web apps, and mobile apps according to industry-recognized standards like SANS, NIST, and CIS.

Discover how Code Maze can help you produce
tangible business results using digital technology

Looking for a rewarding career in IT infrastructure?
Join the Code Maze team today!


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Mission driven company.
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Excellent Company
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